第 11 課 - Bài 11
語法 Grammar 1
I. Completed Action with了
(1) is placed after verb (object) for indicating a completed action.
S | (A/TW | V (0 | 了 | |
1 | 他 | 已經 | 到 | 了。 |
He has already arrived. | ||||
2 | 我們 | 昨天 | 見面 | 了。 |
We have met yesterday. |
1. 他已經去上課了。
(2)了 with Quantified Objects
In this pattern, there is a quantity before the object.
A. Single 7 (with quantified objects)
When using single T, it indicates the action was completed in the past.
S | A/TW | V | 了 | Nu-M | O |
我 | 昨天 | 喝 | 了 | 兩杯 | 咖啡。 |
I drank two cups of coffee yesterday. |
B. Double (with Quantified Objects)
When using double 7, it indicates the action has already been completed so far. It means that the action will probably continue.
S | A/TW | V | 了 | Nu-M | O | 了 |
我 | 已經 | 喝 | 了 | 兩 | 咖啡 | 了。 |
I have already drunk two cups of coffee. |
1. a.我上個禮拜學了十個中國字。
2. a.爸爸上個月買了一輛新車。
3. a.他昨天晚上吃了兩個蘋果。
II. Negated Action with 沒/還沒
(1) with negation marker 沒
A. 沒 is used to negate past actions.
S | 沒 | V(O) |
他 | 沒 | 喝咖啡。 |
He didn’t drink coffee. |
B. 沒(有)can be at the end of the sentence with for questioning.
S | VO | 了 | 嗎/沒(有)? |
你 | 吃早飯 | 了 | 嗎? |
Did you have breakfast? | |||
你 | 寫功課 | 了 | 沒(有)? |
Did you do your homework? |
1. A:他昨天來了嗎?
2. A:他看書了沒有?
3. A:爸爸喝咖啡了沒?
(2) with negation marker 還沒
It indicates that the action has not happened but it will probably happen.
S | 還沒 | V (0) |
我 | 還沒 | 吃早飯。 |
I haven’t had breakfast yet. |
1. A:老師要你看的書,你看了嗎?
2. A:你今天去看醫生了,那你吃藥了沒有?
3. A:我們都還沒寫功課,他寫了沒?
III. Emphasis with是………………的
是………………的can be used to describe or emphasize on when, where, who or how.是 is optional in a positive sentence, but it cannot be omitted in a negative sentence.
S | 是 | When/Where/Who/How | V(O | 的 |
他們 | 是 | 哪天 | 回國 | 的? |
他們 | 是 | 昨天 | 回國 | 的。 |
When did they go back to their countries? | ||||
It was yesterday they went back to their countries. | ||||
你 | 是 | 從哪裡 | 來 | 的? |
我 | 是 | 從學校 | 來 | 的。 |
Where did you come from? | ||||
It was school where I came from. | ||||
你 | 是 | 跟誰去 | 買東西 | 的? |
我 | 是 | 跟同學去 | 買(東西) | 的。 |
Whom did you go shopping with? | ||||
It was my classmate whom I went shopping with. | ||||
你 | 是 | 怎麼 | 認識他 | 的? |
我 | 是 | 上網 | 認識他 | 的。 |
How did you meet him? | ||||
It was through the internet that I met him. |
1. A :他已經到學校了。
2. A:張先生來了。
3. A:你的中文說得真好,你是在哪裡學的?
4. A:你知道她的手機號碼嗎?是誰告訴你的?